Next Stepping Stone is fast diagnostic Centre in the field of Health

Why Fast Diagnostic centre ?

To Avail the services of most modern and fast growing diagnostic methods at an affordable price to the people of Thalayolaparmbu . More than 250 checkups available with at most care at Fast Diagnostic centre .We are equipped with professional and experienced Lab technicians .Complicated and rare tests usually available at developed cities are now available at fast diagnostic centre .It is one of the most people friendly enterprise from us .

Our Speciality

   Biochemistry: Lipid Profile ,Liver function Test ,Renal Function Test ,Hb Al c etc .
   Biochemistry: Haematology: Accurate CBC Equipment which give result in 55           seconds .
   Immuno Chemistry & Hormone Test : TSH ,T3,T4,FT4,FT3 etc.
   Auto Immune : Anti TPO , Anti TG Etc .
   Reproduction / Fertility Test : FSH,LH,HCG,PROLACTIN etc .
   Tumour & Cancer Markers :TPSA,CEA,CA 125 ,FPSA etc
   Allergy & Vitamin Test Infectious Diseases : HAV ,HBs,HBsAG ,Anti HCV etc .
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